Reveille Grounds, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting active military, veterans, and their communities has signed a lease for 6772 square feet of space at Gaslight Square in Baltimore City. Founded by Marine spouse Katie Kilby, Reveille Grounds seeks to provide a dedicated space for support resources and collaboration. The Veteran & Community Impact Hub will offer co-working spaces as well as small coffee shop and regular events such as breakfasts happy hours and talent showcases.
Located at 1401 Severn Street Gaslight Square was acquired by Ian Horowitz and Dan Mathe in 2021 with renovations made to create an attractive environment. With its proximity to downtown Baltimore the site is ideal due its connection with public service personnel . Lee & Associates handled the lease property management for Gaslight Square .
City Issues Request for Proposal for Gansevoort Square Redevelopment
The New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to revitalize Gansevoort Square, located