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“Upcoming Ambitious Samsung Plant-Area Zoning Plan”

"Upcoming Ambitious Samsung Plant-Area Zoning Plan"

A proposal to rezone a 100-acre parcel of land near the Samsung Electronics plant in Austin is currently making its way through local government agencies. The project, known as “Silicon Vistas,” will include a mix of residential, commercial, and civic spaces on 77 acres, with an additional 36 acres designated for industrial use. Plans for the development include approximately 580,000 square feet of flex and large footprint industrial space along Justin Lane on the east side of the site. The remaining portion will feature 944 residential units, 56,000 square feet of commercial space,and23 acres set aside for civic use.

The developer behind this ambitious project is Sudur Capital; however not much else is known about them at this time. On their website they state that they specialize in pre-development land development services.Silicon Vistas Holding LLC recently purchased two parcels totaling $2.6 million in value from Sudur Capital.

On December14th,the Taylor City Councilwill vote on whether to approvethe rezoning as partoftheir consent agenda.The proposed zoning changes are expectedto bring significant economic growthand opportunitiesforthe area surroundingtheSamsungplantwithout impacting existing businesses or residents.Connect CREwill continue to monitorthis excitingdevelopmentas it progresses.

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