“Triple Your Brickell Footprint with Banco Santander”

"Triple Your Brickell Footprint with Banco Santander"

Banco Santander is planning to expand its presence in Miami’s Brickell district by demolishing its current 14-story office building and constructing a new 40-story tower. The property, which was acquired for $114 million in 2008, will be transformed into the impressive Santander Tower with a total area of 1.5 million square feet.

The proposed tower will stand at an impressive height of 765 feet and offer modern amenities such as spacious floor plates ranging from13,800 to20,800 square feet on floors11 through40 for office space. Additionally, the first seven floors will feature retail/restaurant spaces totaling107,953 square feet while the tenth floor will house an “urban club”. The building’s amenities include a large deck on the seventh floor,a conference center onthe sixthfloor,andasky lobbyonthe29thfloor.Thereare also plansfor1 ,496parkingspaces.

According to reports from S.Florida Business Journal,the demand for office space in Brickell has increased significantly over recent years,resultinginrecord-high rentsandnewconstructionprojectsascompaniesfromotherstatesflocktoMiami.This surgehasprompted BancoSantandertoexpanditsfootprintinBrickellwiththisexcitingnewdevelopment.Thepostentitled”BancoSantandertoTripleBrickellFootprint”wasoriginallypublishedonConnectCRE.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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