“Transformation of Dallas Truck Terminal into Lincoln Warehouse Project”

"Transformation of Dallas Truck Terminal into Lincoln Warehouse Project"

Lincoln Property Co. is taking over a truck terminal located near the Southwestern Medical District and plans to transform it into an industrial park spanning 312,150 square feet. The 17-acre facility, situated on Empire Central Drive near the airport, will be converted into what is known as Brookhollow Business Center.

According to reports from the Dallas Business Journal, this project is expected to be completed by October of 2025. The development will consist of two buildings: one with a cross-dock design covering approximately 207,000 square feet and featuring a clearance height of 36 feet, along with 42 dock doors and parking for up to 226 vehicles; while the other building will have rear-loading capabilities and span just over105 ,000 square feet with a clearance height of32feet ,27dockdoors,and184parkingspaces.

Leading leasing efforts for this new business park are Michael Peinado in collaboration with Lincoln’s Tom KuhlmannandGilStroube .

Public documents indicate that both buildings are estimated to cost around $23.5 million combined.The design firm responsible for this project is Alliance Architects Inc., based in Richardson.

In summary,Lincoln Property Co.is convertinga Dallas truck terminalintoanindustrial warehouseprojectknownasBrookhollowBusinessCenterwithtwo buildingsexpectedtobecompletedbyOctoberof2025.LeasingeffortsarebeingledbyMichaelPeinado,TomKuhlmann,andGilStroube.Publicdocumentsrevealthattheestimatedcostforthisprojectis$23.5millionandtheproject’sdesignfirmisAllianceArchitectsInc.basedoutofRichardson.

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