Transform Abandoned Office Space into Satellite Campuses

Transform Abandoned Office Space into Satellite Campuses

As the demand for office space softens, universities have been exploring new ways to make use of vacant buildings in urban centers. One such idea is converting these spaces into satellite campuses, providing an access point for academic exchange and increasing institutional brand visibility. Universities like Arizona State University (ASU), UCLA and Johns Hopkins University are taking advantage of this trend by acquiring downtown buildings in cities like Los Angeles, Washington D.C., New York City, Atlanta and Louisville KY to house their educational programs.

According to JLL Senior Vice President for Education James Birkey speaking with Urban Land magazine: “Not only does it provide an access point for academic exchange in the traditional sense but it also increases institutional brand visibility and awareness in key markets” as well as offering universities a chance at finding bargains due to softening demand on office space. He further noted that while satellite campuses aren’t new what is different now is its competitive tenor – meaning higher education institutions need different ways to reach out students which can be done through online platforms or physical locations such as these satellite campuses often focusing on programs relevant to their city’s needs i.e finance programs found more commonly near Wall Street or media-related courses located around Hollywood studios .
Although many offices may not be able accommodate large lecture halls needed by undergraduates they can still serve graduate level classes which typically require smaller spaces usually found within an office environment making them suitable candidates when considering repurposing abandoned offices into university extensions . Pictured above: ASU’s Downtown Los Angeles campus Photo courtesy of Arizona State University

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