Taylor Racing to Secure New Housing with Samsung Plant on the Horizon

Taylor Racing to Secure New Housing with Samsung Plant on the Horizon

Samsung Electronics is constructing a multi-billion dollar chipmaking plant in Taylor, TX. Developers are working to complete projects that will meet the expected need for housing and commercial buildings near the under-construction facility. Texas Multifamily Capital is considering a 56 acre residential and commercial project located one mile from the plant, which is due to open next year.

According to Austin Business Journal reports, multiple multifamily buildings and light commercial structures may be built along FM 973 – an area that’s anticipated to become a major thoroughfare as Taylor’s population grows. The proposed development would be situated across from Taylor High School on FM 973 Street.

The developers are still securing entitlements; however, they have received cooperation from the town Planning Commission who recently approved their plan – adding much needed housing in this city of 17K people who expect thousands of workers and supplier families moving into town due to Samsung’s project opening next year

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