“Sunrise Industrial Portfolio Acquired for $205M by Link Spin-Off”

"Sunrise Industrial Portfolio Acquired for $205M by Link Spin-Off"

Connect CRE reports that Link Logistics has successfully sold four industrial properties in Sunrise, Florida for a total of $205.5 million. The buyer, Elion Partners, acquired the 791,618 square feet of space from the sellers.

The largest transaction in this deal was for Marina West Business Center at 13800 N.W. 2nd Street which spans over 390,022 square feet and was sold for $102.6 million. This property was built on a spacious 22-acre site in 2002 and previously sold for $42.8 million back in 2011.

Another property included in this sale is International Center located at800 International Parkway which covers an area of202,693 square feet and traded hands for$49.6 million.The building sits on a13-acre siteandwas constructedin1994.

Sunrise Distribution Center situatedat14599 N.W .8thStreetwas also partofthe portfolioandwassoldfor$37 .95million.Thispropertyoffers139 ,047squarefeetofspaceon9-acresite,anditwascompletedin1995 .

Lastly,SawgrassCenterlocatedat13801N.W .4thStreetchangedhandsfor$15 .35million.Itcoversanareaof59 ,856squarefeetandsitson3-acressite.ThisisnottheonlysuccessfuldealthatLinkLogisticshasrecentlyclosed.InNovember,thecompanyalsosold26warehousesinSouthFloridaforacombinedtotalof3313milliontoadifferentbuyer.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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