“Securitized Refinancing of MetLife Building: A $1.5B Strategy for Poise”

"Securitized Refinancing of MetLife Building: A $1.5B Strategy for Poise"

According to reports, Bank of America and Wells Fargo will once again lead the refinancing of the MetLife Building at 200 Park Ave. This comes after a recent surge in 10-figure Manhattan office securitizations. The property, which spans three million square feet, was last refinanced for $1.4 billion in 2015.

The new $1.5-billion refi is being done on behalf of the Irvine Company, which acquired full ownership of the iconic Midtown Manhattan tower last summer. It is expected to have a fixed interest rate of 6.25%, significantly higher than its previous rate of 3.6% from ten years ago.The loan has a term length of ten years and will be interest-only.

KBRA (Kroll Bond Rating Agency) has assigned preliminary ratings to four classes within this single-borrower IRV-2025-200P CMBS (commercial mortgage-backed securities). Their analysis showed that the property’s net cash flow would be $134.l million -18/4% lower than what was projected by issuers – with an estimated value by KBRA at approximately $1 .91 billion.This value is also significantly lower than what appraisers had initially predicted for as-is valuation: around$2 .56 billion.

In summary,the MetLife Building is poised for a significant securitized refinance worth$1 .5billion led by BankofAmericaandWellsFargo.ThisispartofarecenttrendinManhattanofficesecuritizationsof10figures.Thepropertywaslastrefinancedfor$1 .4billionin2015andnowtheIrvineCompanywilltakeoverfullownershipafteracquiringthetowerlastsummer.Thefixedinterestrateisexpectedtoincreasefrom3.S%adecadeagoto6.ZS%.KBRAhasassignedpreliminaryratingstothefourclasseswithintheIRV-2025-200PCMBSandtheiranalysisshowedalowerestimatedvalueof$1.91billioncomparedtotheinitialappraisedvalueof$2.56billion.Thisrefinanceisexpectedtohaveaten-yeartermwithinterest-onlypayments.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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