Seattle Mayor Signs Law to Support Georgetown Workforce Housing

Seattle Mayor Signs Law to Support Georgetown Workforce Housing

Seattle’s Mayor, Bruce Harrell, has recently signed legislation that will increase the height limit in the city’s Georgetown neighborhood. This amendment to the land use code was unanimously passed by City Council last week.

According to Mayor Harrell, this change will bring new housing and workspaces to a treasured and historic part of Seattle just minutes away from downtown. The goal is to enhance the unique spirit of Georgetown while also creating more economic opportunities for artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives. This legislation aims to make the neighborhood more complete, vibrant, and affordable by providing a variety of housing options as well as small businesses, artisan workspaces,and other amenities.

The amendment specifically allows for an exception in height limits within 9.7 acres along 4th Avenue South between S.Fidalgo Street and S.Dawson Street – increasing it from 75 feet to proposed 85 feet.This area has been zoned commercial sincethe1970s but is surrounded by industrial zones with an existing height limit of85feet.The decision takes into account these unique geographic circumstances in order topromote more mixed-use developmentand workforce housinginthearea.

This recent development showcases Seattle’s commitmentto supporting its communities through thoughtful planningand progressive policies without compromising its history or character.

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