“Scottsdale Campus Development Approved for Axon Greenlight”

"Scottsdale Campus Development Approved for Axon Greenlight"

The Scottsdale Planning and Zoning Commission has approved Axon Enterprise’s zoning plans for their new headquarters and mixed-use project. The company, known for producing law enforcement tools such as Tasers, has revised their original proposal of 2,552 rental units to 1,965. Along with the residential units, the plan also includes approximately 50,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space as well as a 435-room hotel.

The first phase of development will coincide with obtaining permits for the construction of a 400,000-square-foot headquarters building. This phase will consist of building 231 residential units in addition to the hotel. The second phase is scheduled to begin no sooner than2027 and will include constructing365 condosand262 additionalunits.The thirdphaseis setto commencein2028withtheconstructionof390units,andthefinalphasewillbeginnoearlierthan2029andinclude717moreunits.

Axon is currently ranked asthe eighth largest employer in Scottsdale,and once fully built out,the company projects that itwill employ around1 ,500 individuals.

In summary,Axonhas been given approvalfortheirScottsdalesite development whichincludesa mixofresidential,hospitality,andretailspaces.Alongwithbeingoneofthelargestemployersinthesurroundingarea,Axon’sprojectwillbringnewjobsandopportunitiestothecommunityaswellasenhancethecity’seconomythroughincreasedcommercialactivity.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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