Samsung Supplier in Austin, TX Seeks Major Incentive Package

Samsung Supplier in Austin, TX Seeks Major Incentive Package

Austin-area Samsung supplier Toppan Photomasks is hoping to receive a major incentive package from Round Rock and Williamson County, which could enable the company to move forward with its $185 million expansion of its manufacturing plant. The semiconductor business, which counts nearby Samsung and Advanced Microsystems as clients, would benefit from the proposed $1.25 million incentive package at an upcoming meeting of town and county economic development officials.

Toppan’s plans include a three-phased overhaul of its existing facility at 400 Texas Ave., with roughly $28 million in real property improvements and $157 million in business property investments by Dec 31 2029. If approved, this could add 50 employees to their current headcount of 231 people according to Austin Business Journal reports.

Samsung expects to sink over 180 billion dollars into new plants at their site located near Taylor – making Toppan’s potential expansion all the more lucrative for both parties involved should they be granted these incentives by local authorities..

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