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Ryan C.S. McCrossan & Co. to Co-Develop Science & Technology Center

Ryan C.S. McCrossan & Co. to Co-Develop Science & Technology Center

Ryan Companies US, Inc. and C. S. McCrossan, Inc., two Minnesota-based companies, are partnering to develop the Minnesota Science and Technology Center in Maple Grove, MN – a 100-acre campus that will offer scientists, innovators and researchers state-of-the art build-to suit facilities.

The site has served as a source of high quality aggregate for more than 60 years; it was used by McCrossan in constructing many of the Twin Cities’ largest road and infrastructure projects. John McCrossan (SVP at C S McCrossan) noted that his father Charley envisioned this reclamation project when he acquired the property back in 1960s: “He saw potential for thoughtful developments like this one” said Mr Mc Crossen  
In addition to its role as co developer/land partner Ryan will also build the campus .

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