“Resolving Conflict Productively: A Walker Webcast with Amy Gallo”

"Resolving Conflict Productively: A Walker Webcast with Amy Gallo"

In this week’s Walker Webcast, Amy Gallo discussed the importance of managing conflict in interpersonal settings. According to her, conflict can arise from interactions with others and how we handle it can impact the success of any situation.

Walker & Dunlop CEO Willy Walker shared a recent encounter with an audience member who preferred numbers-driven analysis over discussions on interpersonal skills. However, as Walker pointed out, these “soft skills” are crucial for a company’s success.

Gallo emphasized the need to view conflicts as separate entities – yourself, the other person involved and the problem at hand. By approaching it together instead of being in opposition to each other, conversations become more productive.

In her book Getting Along , Gallo discusses four main causes of conflict: task or objective disagreements; differences in process; status conflicts; and relationship issues. These types may overlap and depend on various factors such as behavior towards coworkers.

To learn more about resolving conflicts productively through effective communication techniques like active listening and empathy-building strategies watch our Oct 4th episode featuring Amy Gallo available now on YouTube , Spotify , or Apple Podcasts .

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