Resia Weighing N. Miami Apartment Venture: A Guide to Sprawling Living

Resia Weighing N. Miami Apartment Venture: A Guide to Sprawling Living

Resia, a Miami-based real estate development company, is seeking approval from the town’s planning board to construct 1,296 units on the former site of TECO Gas Plant. The 18-acre parcel has undergone extensive environmental remediation and Resia is now moving forward with their project. According to a study by Miami Economic Associates, the estimated cost for building North Towne Apartments will be $100.75 million and it will generate approximately 861 jobs during construction.

The S. Florida Business Journal reported that Resia purchased the land for $57 million two years ago.

The proposed site plan includes five buildings with twelve stories each, three garages providing parking for a total of 1,709 vehicles, as well as three pools and clubhouses. The apartments will range in size from 626 to 1

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