“Renters’ Interstate Migration Patterns: A Settled Report”

"Renters' Interstate Migration Patterns: A Settled Report"

During the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, there has been a noticeable shift in America’s residential renters as they have moved from crowded cities to more affordable and less densely populated areas. However, recent data suggests that this trend is starting to change.

According to the 2024 Apartment List Renter Migration Report, which collected information from registered users between January 1st and December 31st of 2023, there has been a decline in long-distance moves among renters. In fact, only about one-fourth of Apartment List users were seeking to move across state borders or relocate to a new metro area.

This decrease in cross-state migration is also reflected in data released by the U.S. Census Bureau for domestic migration patterns. States with declining populations saw less movement out of their borders while states with growing populations experienced fewer gains.

Interestingly enough, many people are moving towards warmer regions such as the Sunbelt and Mountain West instead of traditional coastal cities like California or New York City. According to both Census data and Apartment List’s report findings, these two states had some of the largest domestic outflows while Florida and Texas gained significant population due to inbound moves.

The Carolinas are also gaining popularity among those looking for new places outside their current location according based on searches conducted by renters living elsewhere according Census data analyzed by Apartment List . Durham , North Carolina was at top spot followed closely behind Charleston , South Carolina Lakeland , Florida .

Apartment list attributes this trend partly due rising housing costs forcing people look more affordable options Stockton CA Bridgeport CT example San Francisco New York City respectively .

Overall it seems that after an initial surge during pandemic Americans have settled down when comes interstate migration patterns especially considering economic factors play role decision making process .

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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