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Renters Facing Pressure to Move: Report Findings

Renters Facing Pressure to Move: Report Findings

Renter households relocate for a variety of reasons, such as job opportunities or the need for more (or less) space. According to U.S. Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey data, one in five renter households reported feeling pressure to move from their current location within the past six months. An Urban Land article noted that previous measures of housing instability came from local eviction filings; however, it was found that up to three additional renters had to leave their homes for each eviction filing recorded.

Of those who felt pressured to move: 40% indicated rental increases were the cause and 22% said their landlords didn’t make repairs; while eviction threats were cited less often at 7%. When these pressures did exist though, 44% of renter households whose landlords threatened eviction left their homes and 61% of renters whose landlords changed locks or turned off utilities also left theirs.

The survey further revealed people of color are more likely than white renter households (18%)to feel pressured into relocation – nearly one-third Latinx and Black renters felt this way – citing increased rent, ignored repairs/missed rent payments as top reasons respectively . Meanwhile 51 %of Latinx household feeling pressure attributed it mainly due rising rents .

Kathryn Reynolds & Elizabeth Burton , authors behind report by Urban Institute commented “These data show the stark reality most tenants across country face with very few regulations & laws protecting them from destabilizing factors plus little financial assistance available when needed” They added even in areas where tenant health/safety laws exist some may be unaware or not empowered enough exercise rights they have .

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