Raleigh Developer Planning Mixed-Use Project in North Hills

Raleigh Developer Planning Mixed-Use Project in North Hills

Raleigh City Council’s approval of a rezoning request has opened the door for a new mixed use office building up to eight stories high in North Hills. The previous zoning limited structures to three stories, while developer Atlas Stark had requested up to 12.

The new zoning allows for 336 residential units, 150,000 square feet of office space and 31,000 square feet of retail space. Atlas Stark plans on including approximately 250 residential units in the project.
A multimodal bridge across I-440 was agreed upon by the developer which will decrease its developable land from almost five acres down to 3.16 acres; this necessitated an increase in height as it would accommodate said bridge structure . Initially city officials wanted five story limit but due to need for three-level parking garage , both parties compromised with an eight story cap .

An exciting mixed use development is now underway at North Hills thanks Raleigh City Council’s approval and compromise between developer and city officials!

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