“Quincy Square Development Commences in Bremerton”

"Quincy Square Development Commences in Bremerton"

Bremerton, Washington recently held a groundbreaking ceremony at the Roxy Theatre to kick off the Quincy Square project. This four-block-long festival street is named after and inspired by renowned record producer and composer, Quincy Jones.

The city’s vision for this project, known as “Quincy Square on 4th,” is to transform a neglected street into a vibrant urban center with housing options and various arts, entertainment, and retail spaces that cater to both day-time and evening activities.

Planning for Quincy Square began in 2018 with design work completed in 2023. Construction is scheduled for 2025. The development pays homage to Bremerton’s connection with Jones who resided there for many years. It will serve as a lasting tribute to his impact on music culture.

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