“Trammell Crow to Transform Port San Antonio with Extraordinary Signature Tower Project”

Newmark Helps Transform San Pedro Site into an Adaptive Reuse Dream

Trammell Crow Company is set to begin pre-development work for the centerpiece of Port San Antonio’s (Port SA) technology campus. The 1,900-acre tech campus at Billy Mitchell Blvd and General Hudnell Drive still has some details to be filled in. As pre-development work progresses over the coming months, the size and cost of construction will be determined.

Crow to Transform Port San Antonio with Extraordinary Signature Tower Project” Design architect firm Pelli Clarke & Partners will develop demand and design concepts for a new tower during this time as well. Port SA states that once pre-development begins, construction costs can then be calculated accurately. Since 2017 Tech Port has added over 7,000 jobs from global industry names in aerospace, robotics, cybersecurity advanced manufacturing education space exploration, and defense according to a statement from Port SA.

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