“Progress Update: Pasco County’s Large-Scale Mixed-Use Development Project Gains Momentum”

"Progress Update: Pasco County's Large-Scale Mixed-Use Development Project Gains Momentum"

A new mixed-use development, known as Abbey Crossings, is in the works with a team of partners coming together to bring it to life. The project will encompass 600,000 square feet of light industrial space, 400,000 square feet of office space and retail space each, along with up to 1,000 multifamily homes. Recent developments include the acquisition of vacant land east of Interstate 75 in San Antonio and rezoning approximately 245 acres for the project’s site. Located on County Road 52 intersecting McKendree Road in Florida’s Pasco County area , construction is slated to begin by May2024.

According to Commercial Edge reports , Tampa-based Abbey Development Partners LLC – owned and operated by developer Kenneth Morin and attorney Bryan Skyes who are also principals at Legacy Development Partners LLC- along with Bones Investment Group are spearheading this massive venture.

The latest update from Connect CRE reveals that construction for a large-scale mixed-use development called Abbey Crossings has been given the green light. This ambitious project will consistof over half a million square feet dedicatedto light industrial useand an additional400 thousand squarefeet eachfor office spacesand retail outlets.Additionally,the plan includesupwards offour hundredmultifamilyhomes.The recent progress madeincludes securinga parcelof vacant landlocated eastofInterstate75inSan Antonio,and obtainingrezoningapprovalforapproximately two hundredforty-fiveacreswithinthe300-acredevelopment site situatedonthe south sideofCountyRoad52at its intersectionwithMcKendreeRoad.Constructionis setto commencebyMay2024.

Abbey Crossings is an upcoming mixed-use development led by multiple partners joining forces towards its realization. With plans for600 thousand sq ft.oflightindustrialareaas well asoffice spacesandretailoutletsrespectively,thisprojectalsoencompassesupto1000multifamilyhomes.Recently,it has made significant progress with the acquisition of vacant land in San Antonio, Florida and rezoning of around 245 acres on its site. Located at the intersection of County Road 52 and McKendree Road in Pasco County, construction is scheduled to begin by May2024.

Commercial Edge reports that Abbey Development Partners LLC- a Tampa-based group owned and operated by developer Kenneth Morinand attorney Bryan Skyes who are also principals at Legacy Development Partners LLC- along with Bones Investment Group are spearheading this massive venture.

The latest update from Connect CRE reveals that construction for a large-scale mixed-use development called Abbey Crossings has been given the green light. This ambitious project will consistof over half a million square feet dedicatedto light industrial useand an additional400 thousand squarefeet eachfor office spacesand retail outlets.Additionally,the plan includesupwards offour hundredmultifamilyhomes.The recent progress madeincludes securinga parcelof vacant landlocated eastofInterstate75inSan Antonio,and obtainingrezoningapprovalforapproximately two hundredforty-fiveacreswithinthe300-acredevelopment site situatedonthe south sideofCountyRoad52at its intersectionwithMcKendreeRoad.Constructionis setto commencebyMay2024.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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