Pre-Leasing for Habitat’s Luxury High-Rise in Fulton River District Now Open

Pre-Leasing for Habitat's Luxury High-Rise in Fulton River District Now Open

Habitat, a Chicago-based multifamily developer and property manager, is now pre-leasing for its newest project: Cassidy on Canal. This 33-story Class A rental tower boasts 343 units and is located at 350 N. Canal Street in the Fulton River District of Chicago. The first residents are expected to move in by May.

Cassidy on Canal offers a variety of apartment layouts including studios, one- and two-bedroom units, as well as penthouses. The building also features ground floor retail space totaling 1,313 square feet and parking for up to 123 vehicles. Residents can enjoy amenities such as an outdoor dog run, a spacious deck on the fifth floor spanning over 10,000 square feet with a pool area and various seating options including fire pits.

Formerly home to the Cassidy Tire building , this site sits between Kinzie and Fulton Streets on the west side of Canal Street . Designed by renowned architecture firm Solomon Cordwell Buenz , this new glass tower stands at an impressive height of375 feet . It is Habitat’s latest luxury residential project in this neighborhood where it has established itself as a leader in high-end developments . Diversified Real Estate Capital LLC serves as joint venture partner for Cassidy on Canal while James McHugh Construction handling general contracting duties .

Don’t miss your chance to network with industry leaders at Connect Midwest: Multifamily,Affordable Student & Student Housing Trends event taking place June4th2024attheW-Chicago City Center HotelinChicagoIL.Register nowand join discussions that will cover crucial topics shaping our industry.Early bird registration ends April19th.

Pre-leasing has begun for Habitat’s newest luxury high-rise development located in Chicago’s Fulton River District – Cassidy On Canal.This impressive Class A rental tower spans across33 storiesandoffersa totalof343units.Thefirst waveofresidentsareexpectedtomoveinbyMay.

Cassidy On Canal boasts a variety of apartment layouts, including studios, one- and two-bedroom units,andpenthouseoptions.Additionally,thebuildingfeatures1,313squarefeetofgroundfloorretailandparkingfor123vehicles.Residentscanenjoyamenitiessuchasanoutdoordogrun,a10,000-square-footoutdoordeckonthe5thfloorwithapool,loungeseatingareas,andfirepits.

Formerlyhome to the Cassidy Tire building,this site is situated on the west side of Canal Street,betweenKinzieandFultonStreets.DesignedbyinternationallyrecognizedarchitecturefirmSolomonCordwellBuenz,thisnew375-footglasstoweristhelatestluxuryresidentialprojectfromHabitatinthisneighborhood.ThejointventurepartnerforCassidyOnCanalisDiversifiedRealEstateCapitalLLCwithJamesMcHughConstructionCo.servingasgeneralcontractor.

Don’t miss your chance to network with industry leaders at Connect Midwest: Multifamily,Affordable Student & Student Housing Trends event taking place June4th2024attheW-Chicago City Center HotelinChicagoIL.Register nowto join discussions covering crucial topics shaping our industry.Early bird registration ends April19th.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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