“Portland Law Firm Relocating Downtown Office to Block 216 Building”

"Portland Law Firm Relocating Downtown Office to Block 216 Building"

Fisher Phillips LLP, an international law firm, will be relocating from its current location at 111 S.W. Fifth Ave. in Portland to a larger 7,440-square-foot office space in the BPM Real Estate Group’s building. This building also houses the Ritz-Carlton hotel.

According to the Portland Business Journal, another law firm called Davis Wright Tremaine has also recently moved to Block 216 and expanded their lease in August. They have become the main tenant of this new property by leasing over 19,100 square feet on the seventh floor. Additionally, Banneker Partners from San Francisco has leased a space of 4,545 square feet on the fourth floor.

Block 216 is a newly built mixed-use property located in Portland’s West End neighborhood with a total of thirty-five stories. In addition to housing multiple floors for offices and residential units above ground-floor retail spaces,the building is also home to The Ritz-Carlton hotel.

The latest news reported by Connect CRE states that Fisher Phillips LLP will soon be moving its downtown office from its current location at111 S.W.Fifth Ave.inPortlandtoa bigger office measuring7 ,440 square feet situated within BPM Real Estate Group’s premises.This move comes as part of their expansion plans.Their new address will now include sharingthe samebuilding with other tenants such as The Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

In related news,Davis Wright Tremaine,a well-known law firm,recently relocatedto Block216and increasedtheir rental agreementinAugust.Accordingto reportsfromthePortland Business Journal,this companyhas taken upover19 ,100squarefeetofspaceon theseventhfloor.Besides them,SanFrancisco-basedprivate equityfirm,BannekerPartners,hastakenup4 ,545squarefeetofspaceonthefourthflooraswell.Block216is anewmixed-usepropertylocatedinPortland’sWestEndneighborhood.Itcomprisesof35floorsandfeaturesofficespaces,residentialunits,andretailstoresonthe ground floor.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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