“Planned 50-Story Apartment Venture in Miami Arts District”

"Planned 50-Story Apartment Venture in Miami Arts District"

Optimum Property Management has proposed the construction of a 50-story residential tower at 1315 N.E. Miami Court in the vibrant Arts & Entertainment District of Miami. This project would require the demolition of a current 35-unit apartment complex, which was purchased by Optimum for $8.5 million in 2021.

The planned building would consist of a total of 378 residential units, with an additional commercial space measuring at approximately 1,150 square feet and parking for up to321 vehicles. The development also includes plans for workforce housing, with48 designated units.

According to reports from S.Florida Business Journal,the apartments will range from595to1,125 square feet and will be located on floors11and above.The unit mix is expected to include38 studio apartments184 one-bedroom units,and156 two-bedroom units.Additionally,the building will feature pools and indoor amenity spaces on boththe11thand top floors.Behar Font & Partners,a Coral Gables-based firm,is responsiblefor designing this impressive project.

Miami’s Arts & Entertainment District Set To Welcome New High-Rise Residential Development

Optimum Property Management has announced plans to construct an impressive new high-rise residential tower at1315 N.E.Miami CourtinMiami’s bustling Arts & Entertainment District.This ambitious venture involves demolishing an existing35-unit apartment complex,purchased by Optimum in2021for$8.5million,in order to make way for this exciting new development.

Once completed,this stunning50-story buildingwill offera totalof378luxuriousresidentialunitsas well asapproximately1150squarefeetofcommercialspaceandparking facilitiescapableof accommodatingupwardsof321vehicles.In addition,thisprojectincludesplansfor48workforcehousingunitswhichwill provideaffordablehousingoptionswithinthissought-afterneighborhood.

Accordingto thereportfromS.FloridaBusinessJournal,residentscanexpectapartmentsrangingfrom595to1125squarefeet,locatedonthe11thfloorandabove.Theunitmixwillinclude38studios,184one-bedroomunits,and156two-bedroomunits.Additionally,thebuildingwillfeaturepoolsandin-dooramenityspacesonboththe11thandtopfloors.BeharFont&Partners,aCoralGables-basedfirm,isresponsiblefor thedesignofthisimpressiveproject.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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