NYC Multifamily Sales See Year-Over-Year Increase in Dollar Volume and Transactions0.1 This is a decimal number, equivalent to one tenth or 1/10. # 1. Introduction The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly growing in recent years, with advancements in technology and computing power enabling machines to perform tasks that were once thought to be exclusive to human intelligence. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from healthcare to transportation, and has already made significant impacts in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. One of the key components of AI is machine learning, which involves training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. This allows machines to continuously improve and adapt to new situations, making them more efficient and effective at completing tasks. However, as AI becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, concerns have been raised about its potential negative impacts. These include job displacement, biased decision-making, and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes. As such, it is important to consider the ethical implications of AI and ensure that it is developed and used responsibly. In this article, we will explore the ethical considerations surrounding AI, including the potential

NYC Multifamily Sales See Year-Over-Year Increase in Dollar Volume and Transactions0.1 This is a decimal number, equivalent to one tenth or 1/10. # 1. Introduction The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has been rapidly growing in recent years, with advancements in technology and computing power enabling machines to perform tasks that were once thought to be exclusive to human intelligence. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from healthcare to transportation, and has already made significant impacts in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. One of the key components of AI is machine learning, which involves training algorithms to learn from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. This allows machines to continuously improve and adapt to new situations, making them more efficient and effective at completing tasks. However, as AI becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, concerns have been raised about its potential negative impacts. These include job displacement, biased decision-making, and the potential for AI to be used for malicious purposes. As such, it is important to consider the ethical implications of AI and ensure that it is developed and used responsibly. In this article, we will explore the ethical considerations surrounding AI, including the potential

According to the 2024 Multifamily Year in Review report from Ariel Property Advisors, New York City’s multifamily market saw a significant increase in dollar volume and number of transactions. In 2024, the market recorded $8.9 billion in dollar volume, a 14% rise from the previous year. The number of transactions also increased by 4%, reaching a total of 1,107 deals. Additionally, there was an increase in the number of properties sold with a growth rate of 5%, totaling at1,417.

Ariel president and founder Shimon Shkury stated that while values for free market multifamily buildings have declined since their peak in2015,the pricing for these assets showed slight improvement compared to last year.However,the values for rent stabilized buildings have dropped significantly (35-60%) below their peak due to rising expenses and regulations such as the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act (HSTPA) implementedin2019.

The majority (63%)of multifamily sales were predominantly free-market buildings citywide,due partlyto attractive pricing.This was followed by predominantly rent-stabilized assets accountingfor29%ofthe dollar volumeand47%ofthetransactions.The remaining sales were made up offbuildingswith regulatory agreements.

One notable sale last yearwas210-220 E.22nd Manhattan whichsoldfor$104.5 million,a15%dipfromitsprevious sale pricein2015.(Include photo if possible)

Overall,NYC’smultifamilysalesshowedyear-over-yeargainsindollarvolumeandtransactions,making ita promisingmarketformultifamilyinvestmentsgoingforward.
Sublime Text is one of today’s most popular text editors among developers due to its powerful features and customizable interface.

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2) Customize Your Theme: Sublime Text comes with a default theme, but you can customize it by installing different themes from Package Control or creating your own. You can also change the color scheme of the editor by going to Preferences > Color Scheme.

3) Use Keyboard Shortcuts: Learning keyboard shortcuts will save you time and make your coding experience more efficient. Some useful shortcuts in Sublime Text include Ctrl + P (Go to file), Ctrl + D (Select word), Ctrl + Shift + L (Split selection into lines).

4) Install Useful Plugins: There are thousands of plugins available for Sublime Text that can enhance its functionality. Some popular ones include Emmet for HTML/CSS coding, GitGutter for version control integration, and AutoFileName for auto-completion of file names.

5) Use Multiple Cursors: One unique feature of Sublime Text is multiple cursors which allow you to edit multiple lines at once. To use this feature, hold down the Alt key while selecting text with your mouse or use Ctrl+Click on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Click on Mac OS X.

6) Take Advantage Of Snippets: Snippets are small pieces of code that can be inserted quickly using a keyword shortcut followed by pressing Tab key twice in succession.You can create custom snippets or download them from Package Control.

7) Enable Word Wrap For Long Lines : If long lines wrap around in an undesirable way,you may enable word wrap through View -> Word Wrap menu option.This will ensure all content stays within visible area without needing horizontal scrolling

8 ) Utilize Command Palette : The command palette is like a search bar where you type commands instead.Instead memorizing keyboard shortcuts,you could simply open up command palette via CTRL-SHIFT-P / CMD-SHIFT-P and type in the command you want to execute.

9) Use Multiple Tabs : You can open multiple files at once by using tabs. To switch between tabs, use Ctrl+Tab on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Option+Right/Left Arrow on Mac OS X.

10) Customize Your Preferences: Sublime Text allows you to customize your preferences through the Preferences menu. This includes settings such as font size, line height, tab size and more. You can also access these settings by going to Preferences > Settings or using the shortcut Ctrl + , (comma).Rapidly growing company

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Flashcard Subject: Chapter 2 Vocab – Anatomy Honors

1.Anatomical Position- The standard position used when describing anatomical relationships where an individual stands erect facing forward arms at sides palms facing forward feet parallel toes pointing straight ahead head level eyes looking straight ahead

2.Anterior- Toward or at front end body part being described

3.Posterior- Toward or at back end of body part being described

4.Superior- Above; at a higher level (in human body, toward the head)

5.Inferior- Below; at lower level (in human body, towards feet)

6.Medial- Toward midline of the body; on inner side of structure. Opposite lateral.

7.Lateral-Away from midline of the boyd on outer side if structure opposite medial

8.Proximal-Closer to origin attachment point limb to trunk.

9.Distal-Farther from origin attachment point limb to trunk.

10.Central-Situated in center

11.Peripheral-Marginal edge or surface area away from center

12.Sagittal Plane-Divides into left and right parts but not necessarily equal halves
13.Frontal Plane-Divides into anterior and posterior portions
14.Transverse Plane-Horizontal plane that divides into superior and inferior portions.
15.Cross Section-Tissue sample cut perpendicular along long axis organ.
16.Longitudinal section-Tissue sample cut parallel along long axis organ.
17.Oblique section-tissue sample cut diagonal between horizontal vertical planesFlashcard Subject: Ch 19 – The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels & Circulation

Q: Artery
A: A blood vessel that carries blood away from heart chambers.

Q: Veins
A: Blood vessels that carry blood back to heart chambers after it has passed through capillaries where oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide waste products are picked up by cells throughout your tissues as they perform their functions.

Q: Capillary Beds/Capillary Networks:
A: Interwoven networks formed by arterioles connecting with venules which allow exchange between tissue cells & bloodstream via diffusion across thin walls made primarily out endothelial cell membranes found in all tissues except cartilage epithelia cornea & lens of eye.

Q: Vasoconstriction
A: A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel, which decreases blood flow and increases BP

Q: Vasodilation
A: An increase in the diameter of a blood vessel, which increases blood flow and decreases BP

Q: Arterioles:
A: Smallest arteries that lead to capillary beds where exchange between tissue cells & bloodstream occurs via diffusion across thin walls made primarily out endothelial cell membranes found in all tissues except cartilage epithelia cornea & lens of eye.

Q: Venules:
A: Small veins that receive deoxygenated (deoxygenated) O2-poor or CO2-rich -blood from capillaries then transport it back to heart chambers for re-oxygenation by lungs. They join together forming larger veins as they get closer to heart chambers.
Flashcard Subject: Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Q1. What is an atom?
An atom is the smallest unit into which matter can be divided without losing its identity.

Q2. What are protons?
Protons are positively charged particles found within an atom’s nucleus.

Q3. What are neutrons?
Neutrons are neutral particles found within an atom’s nucleus.

Q4. What are electrons?Electrons are negatively charged particles that orbit around the nucleus of an atom.Q5.What is atomic number?Atomic number refers to the number of protons present in one specific element.Q6.What is mass number?Mass number refers to both protons and neutrons present within one specific element.Q7.What is isotopes?Isotopes refer two or more forms on elements having same atomic numbers but different mass numbers due varying neutron counts .They have similar chemical properties but different physical properties like melting point , boiling points etc .
Flashcard Subject: APUSH Unit 1 Key Terms Part II (Chapters 3-4)

Q: Jamestown
A: The first permanent English settlement in North America, founded by the Virginia Company of London in 1607. Located on a peninsula along the James River, it was established for economic reasons and struggled with disease and conflict with Native Americans.

Q: John Smith
A: An English explorer who helped found Jamestown. He imposed strict discipline on colonists to ensure their survival but also had conflicts with local Native American tribes.

Q: Powhatan Confederacy
A: A group of Algonquian-speaking tribes led by Chief Powhatan that controlled much of eastern Virginia when Europeans arrived at Jamestown. They initially traded peacefully but later clashed violently over land disputes.

Q: Headright System (1618)
A: A system implemented by the Virginia Company to encourage settlers to come to its colony in North America. It granted fifty acres of land per person brought over from England as an incentive for people to immigrate

Q: Indentured Servants
A: Poor immigrants who signed contracts known as indentures agreeing they would work without pay for a certain number years (usually seven) if someone paid their passage into colonies . In exchange ,they received free passage across Atlantic Ocean .

QFlashcard Subject:
Chapter 1

What is Psychology?
Psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

What are some key concepts within psychology?
Some key concepts within psychology include cognition, perception, emotion, motivation, personality development,
social interactions,
and psychological disorders.

How does nature vs nurture play a role in psychology?
The debate between nature vs nurture refers to whether our genetics or environment have more influence on our behavior and development. Psychologists recognize that both factors play important roles in shaping human behavior and development; however there is ongoing research exploring how these factors interact with each other.

4.What are the different perspectives in psychology?
There are several major perspectives in psychology, including:
– Biological: focuses on how biological factors such as genetics and brain structure influence behavior and mental processes.
– Cognitive: examines how people think, perceive, remember, and solve problems.
– Behavioral: emphasizes the role of environmental influences on observable behaviors.
– Psychodynamic: explores unconscious thoughts and conflicts that may influence behavior.
-Social-cultural: looks at how cultural norms and social influences shape individual behavior.

5. What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is a systematic approach to research that involves formulating a hypothesis based on existing knowledge or theories, designing an experiment to test this hypothesis, collecting data through observation or experimentation,
analyzing the data,
and drawing conclusions based on evidence.

6. What ethical considerations must be taken into account when conducting psychological research?
Psychologists must follow ethical guidelines set by professional organizations such as informed consent from participants before beginning any study; protection of participants from harm; maintaining

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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