“New Georgetown EV Parts Plant Opens: CelLink Unveils 300K SF Facility”

"New Georgetown EV Parts Plant Opens: CelLink Unveils 300K SF Facility"

The company has successfully established five production lines, with two currently in operation. Each line is dedicated to supporting a specific vehicle model. The Georgetown CelLink factory employs 42 individuals and plans to add an additional 45 employees by the end of this year.

According to reports from the Austin Business Journal, the factory has ample space for up to 25 production lines and could potentially employ up to 2,000 workers while producing parts for approximately 11 million cars annually. This would make it one of the largest employers in town and a key supplier for Tesla.

CelLink received significant funding support from both local and state sources totaling $8 million in incentives such as infrastructure development grants, job creation grants, and property tax abatements. However, it was federal financing that ultimately made their expansion possible.

Thanks in part to a grant from the US Department of Energy when they first launched their business venture; CelLink recently secured a $362 million loan with certain conditions attached specifically designated towards building their new facility in Georgetown.

While there are still some milestones that must be met before finalizing this loan agreement; officials have expressed confidence that they are on track towards meeting these requirements soon enough.

CelLink’s brand-new EV parts plant spanning over300K SF has officially opened its doorsin Georgetown.The companyhas expertly builtfive efficientproductionlineswithtwo already operational.These cutting-edge facilitiesare exclusivelydedicatedto supporting each uniquevehiclemodel.CelLink’s workforcecurrently consists of42 skilledemployees,andthey planon addingan additional45bythe endofthisyear.Accordingto recent reportsfromtheAustin Business Journal,the expansivefactorycan accommodate upto25moreproductionlinesandpotentiallyemployupwards of2,o00workerswhilemanufacturingpartsforapproximately11millioncarsannually.This impressive featwill not onlymake themoneofthetown’slargestemployers,butalsoakey supplierforTesla.As partoftheir growthstrategy,CelLink has received significantfunding supportfromlocalandstate sources,including$8millionincentivesforinfrastructuredevelopment,jobcreation,andpropertytaxabatements.However,it was the federal financingthat ultimatelymade their expansionpossible.Thanks to a grant fromtheUS DepartmentofEnergyduringtheir initial stages of business;CelLink recently secureda $362 million loanwithcertain conditionsattached specifically for the constructionoftheir new facility in Georgetown.Whiletherearestillmilestonesthatmustbemetbeforefinalizingthisloanagreement;officialsareconfident thatthey are wellon their waytoachievingtheserequirements.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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