“New East Coast Headquarters Launched by Partner Engineering & Science”

"New East Coast Headquarters Launched by Partner Engineering & Science"

Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. has announced the opening of their new East Coast headquarters located at 929 Asbury Ave. in Asbury Park, NJ. Originally built in the late 19th century by local businessperson A.E. Rogers as a furniture warehouse and showroom, this historic property has been transformed into an 18,000-square-foot office space for over 70 engineering and consulting professionals.

The decision to establish their headquarters on the west side of Asbury Park demonstrates Partner’s commitment to investing in the revitalization of this community. The building underwent extensive renovation and modernization over a period of two years while preserving its original features and incorporating modern functionality.

According to Frank S. Romeo Jr., President of Partner Engineering & Science and New Jersey native, “The renovation and reinvention of the Rogers Building was truly a labor of love.” He further explains that choosing to invest in Asbury Park’s business community aligns with their long-term goals for growth within this area.

This newly renovated workspace offers private offices, conference rooms, flexible workstations,and various amenities designed to promote employee collaborationand well-being.The company believes that fostering interaction among professionals at all levels will create a senseof communityand encourage professional development.

Romeo adds,”Our employees are excited about returningtotheofficein sucha vibrant location knownforits thriving downtown,music scene,and rich arts history.Manyofour staff members live locallyand can now easily commuteby walking,bikingor takingNJ Transit.Our entire workforce from NYC suburbs can also enjoy being close tothebeachandsurroundedbycool attractions.”

Overall,the launchofPartnerEngineering&Science’snewEastCoastheadquartersmarksanexcitingmilestoneintheircommitmenttobothprofessionalgrowthandinvestinginthelocalcommunity.It is sureto bea dynamicworkspacewhereemployeescanthrivebothprofessionallyandasindividualswhilecontributingtoAsburyPark’srevitalization.

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