Navigating Multi-Site Developments: Q&A with EBI Consulting’s Paul Roberts

Trammell Crow plans to revitalize Port San Antonio with an extraordinary signature tower project. Discover how this transformation will redefine the city's skyline.

Navigating the complexities of multi-site developments can be a daunting task for property developers. With multiple projects in different stages of development, there are many factors to consider such as jurisdictional requirements and managing projects at differing stages. EBI Consulting’s Director of Architecture and Engineering, Paul Roberts provides insights into how to successfully manage these programs.

Q: What are some of the factors that can make multi-site program development programs especially complex? What are the “moving parts” that need to be considered?  
A: When it comes to working on multiple sites at once, you’ll find that you have different sites in different stages of development at once; some may be in due diligence phase while others may already be undergoing design or permitting processes. To ensure successful completion across all sites requires agility throughout each project cycle with proper communication with clients being key for success. The moving parts include juggling various project types across locations within U.S., multidiscipline coordination and adhering to regional/national jurisdictional requirements including entitlements & permitting regulations .

Q: Does the level of complexity grow in proportion to numberofsites involved?
  A : Yes & no – as more properties come into play , management becomes more complex but design implementation gets easier when experts become familiarized with client’s design needs & develop templates accordingly .

Q: How do differencesinregulations indifferent jurisdictions (i e city&state) affect planning&executionofmulti siteprojects ?  
  A : It is essentialto understand codes/requirements applicableacross entire portfolio so compliancewithregulations ,entitlements ,designcodes etcare met . At EBI we approach everyprojectthesameway – thoroughdue diligence basedonlocation / jurisdictionfor thoughtful project approaches ,timelinesand upfront costs right from start .

Q : Formulti siteprojects whattypesofduediligenceneedtobeperformedDoeslevelofduediligencerequiredvarybyproperty ? 
  A : Feasibility civilandarchitectural duediligenceneeded tounderstandallpropertiesinvolved including existing environmental conditions ; entitlements /permitting ; zoningneeds ; soil trafficreviews etc Siteas built surveys also needed which vary by property necessitatingknowledgeable expert partner who understands nuances between ground up shopping center vsbrownfield redevelopmentetc

Q MEPteambein houseWhatadvantagesdoes this provide ?                                                                          A Havingalldesign servicesunder one umbrella streamlinescommunicationcoordinationminimizing errors conflicts Scheduling conflicts differingsetsof templates designs increase potentialforconflicts inconsistencies betweendisciplines InhouseMEP team eliminates these issues providing seamless organizedprojectlifecycle

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