Nashville Tech School Site Being Considered for Mixed-Use Redevelopment

Nashville Tech School Site Being Considered for Mixed-Use Redevelopment

Southern Land Co. finalized the purchase of more than 16 acres in East Nashville with an eye toward redevelopment. The company paid $33.75 million for the site, which currently houses Lincoln School of Technology and is owned by an LLC affiliated with Lincoln Educational Services Corp., who acquired it in 2003 from Nashville Auto-Diesel College.

Tim Downey, founder and CEO of Southern Land, has expressed his goal to “design a vibrant mixed-use community that will artfully serve the people of East Nashville as a walkable neighborhood that enhances people’s lives” through this project. It will include up to 800 multifamily units and 300,000 square feet of commercial space along with live-work units, three parking structures and 150 single-family houses or townhomes maximum at completion time; while Lincoln School Of Technology continues its operations until they secure their new home for operations elsewhere onsite during construction period .

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