Miami Developer Explores 81-Story Apartment/Hotel Combination in Prime Location

Miami Developer Explores 81-Story Apartment/Hotel Combination in Prime Location

A proposed project in Miami is seeking to construct an 81-story apartment building with 560 units and a hotel component of 84 rooms. Developer Walter Defortuna has plans for the tower, which would be located on Brickell Avenue and become the tallest structure in Miami upon completion.

The current site includes a restaurant building spanning over 7,000 square feet and a retail building covering more than 10,000 square feet. However, according to reports from the South Florida Business Journal, Defortuna intends to redevelop this property into a massive tower spanning approximately 1.83 million square feet.

This new development would feature various amenities such as residential units averaging at about 1,113 square feet each (ranging from studios at around533-square-feet up to three-bedroom options measuring up to nearly2 ,000squarefeet), office space totaling117 ,310squarefeet,hotel spacecovering43 ,700squarefeet,andretailareaof6 ,038squarefeetas well as parking for1 ,226vehicles.The12thfloorwould housea pool,gym/spa,a bar,andthehotellobby.

If completed,the towerwould standatan impressiveheightof1010 feettallerthanMiami’scurrenttallestbuilding,the868-footPanoramaTower.This ambitiousprojectisexpectedto bringnewlifeandopportunitiestotheareaandbecomeastapleinMiami’sskyline.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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