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“Maximizing Output: The Potential for Doubling Production at Port Arthur LNG Plant”

"Maximizing Output: The Potential for Doubling Production at Port Arthur LNG Plant"

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has granted Sempra the green light to expand its LNG plant in Port Arthur, Texas. A subsidiary of San Diego-based Sempra has received federal approval for the expansion of a large liquefied natural gas facility on the Texas Gulf Coast. Construction is already underway for Phase I of this $13 billion project.

With this approval, Sempra could replicate Phase I by adding two more LNG processing units, an additional storage tank and a marine berth. If they choose to proceed with doubling the plant’s capacity, it would require an additional investment of $13 billion into their Jefferson County facility.

Sempra Infrastructure has emerged as a major player in the global market for liquefied natural gas (LNG). Their facilities take natural gas and cool it to -260 degrees Fahrenheit before loading it onto double-hulled ships and exporting it to international destinations.

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