Massive Iron District Deal Secured by Trammell Crow

Massive Iron District Deal Secured by Trammell Crow

Trammell Crow Co. has been selected by Charlotte Pipe & Foundry to develop the first phase of their former manufacturing site in Charlotte, North Carolina. The renowned real estate company, based in Dallas, will also serve as the master planner for the entire 55.5-acre property which operated as a foundry for over 100 years before closing last year.

The development’s initial phase will be led by Trammell Crow and include:

– A 150-room hotel
– 500 residential units
– 100,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space
– 150,000 square feet of Class A office space
– Approximately1,200 parking spaces

S9 Architecture is working with Trammell Crow on master planning and designing various concepts for the project. Construction is expected to begin towards late2025 or early2026 with an estimated completion date two years later.

As of June30th,TrammellCrow had $18.8 billion worthof projects currently underwayand another $13.1 billioninthe pipeline.This latest deal adds to their impressive portfolio.

The post titled “Trammel Crows Lands Massive Iron District Deal” highlights how Trammel Crow Co., a Dallas-based real estate company has been chosen by Charlotte Pipe & Foundry to develop their former manufacturing site in North Carolina.The project includes multiple phases that are setto featurea hotel,residential units,and commercial spaces.TrammelCrowwillalso actas themasterplannerfortheentire55-acreproperty.S9Architectureisworkingwiththemtodevelopvariousconceptdesigns.Constructionisexpectedtobegininlate2025orearly2026andbe completedwithin twoyears.TrammelCrowhasanextensiveportfolioofprojectsunderwayandalsointhepipeline,makingthislatestdealanotherimpressiveadditiontotheirlistofsuccessesthroughouttheyears.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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