Leveraging Project Management Technology Webinar

Leveraging Project Management Technology Webinar

In a recent webinar, Quickbase’s Presales Leader, Freddie Sabbs, joined Connect Media to discuss the benefits of centralizing information for CRE and retail companies. This approach can lead to more efficient project management experiences and is especially important as market and economic changes loom ahead.

According to Sabbs, clients often face two main challenges: lack of visibility and lack of control. He gave an example of an industrial real estate client who struggled with keeping track of their deal pipeline due to scattered information that should have been easily accessible.

Quickbase serves both small businesses and large multinational enterprises. Sabbs explained that smaller companies can effectively run their business on Quickbase while larger organizations use it as a tool for bridging gaps between systems and teams.

To watch the replay of this insightful webinar, click here.

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