“Groundbreaking of Master-Planned Logistics Park Opposite Ontario Airport”

"Groundbreaking of Master-Planned Logistics Park Opposite Ontario Airport"

Affinius Capital, McDonald Property Group, and PREMIER Design + Build Group have joined forces to embark on a new project in Ontario – a master-planned logistics park. This development will be located directly across from the Ontario International Airport (ONT) in San Bernardino County. Over the course of 28 months, nine buildings totaling 4,263,000 square feet will be constructed as part of The HUB @ ONT project. Four of these buildings are scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2025 and will collectively span over two million square feet.

This venture is set to become one of Southern California’s first large-scale developments to incorporate an innovative carbon-reduction system for its slab, tilt wall panels and paving. Affinius Capital has made it their mission to achieve significant environmental sustainability goals through concrete decarbonization methods.

According to Steven Gabbert – President of PREMIER’s Western Region – this is an incredibly complex undertaking that requires meticulous planning and execution. As such, they have assembled a team consisting of highly experienced project managers,supervisors,and engineers who will oversee this build on-site.

The leasing services for The HUB @ ONT will be handled by CBRE’s Darla Longo,Babara Perrier,Walt Arrington,Joy Sugar,and Joe Werdein who represented the Ontario International Airport Authority during negotiations for their ground lease which spans over 55 years.Theywill also manage all leasingand marketing activities relatedtotheHUB@ONTproject.

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