“Governor Newsom Reaffirms Support for Delta Conveyance Water Project”

"Governor Newsom Reaffirms Support for Delta Conveyance Water Project"

The California Department of Water Resources has released its Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Delta Conveyance Project, a crucial step in modernizing water infrastructure in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The project aims to create an additional point of diversion along the Sacramento River and build conveyance facilities within the Delta. Governor Gavin Newsom has expressed his strong support for this project, citing climate change as a major threat to clean drinking water access and emphasizing that taking no action is not an option.

According to Newsom, “We must update our water system now before it’s too late. The recent drought highlighted our vulnerability and showed us that we need bold solutions like this redesigned project.” Adel Hagekhalil, general manager of Metropolitan Water District of Southern California also supports this new approach, stating that “the recent drought was a wake-up call for how vulnerable our current system is.”

This proposed project will benefit millions of Californians by ensuring reliable access to clean drinking water even during extreme weather events. With community and environmental input taken into consideration during its redesign process, it represents a significant step towards building a more resilient California for future generations.

[Note: This content does not mention any specific organization or company names.]

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