Exploring Frisco’s $340 Million Fine Arts Hub

Exploring Frisco's $340 Million Fine Arts Hub

Frisco is teaming up with Prosper Independent School District (PISD) to develop the Frisco Center for the Arts (FCFA). This project will also involve a partnership with Broadway Across America/Broadway Dallas to bring a series of Broadway shows, known as “Broadway Frisco,” to the facility. The FCFA’s vision includes a 2,800-seat performance hall that can accommodate large touring productions and community events, as well as a smaller 300-400 seat hall primarily for use by PISD but also available for community organizations.

To move forward with this project, the Frisco City Council must first place it on an upcoming ballot. The proposed budget for FCFA is $340 million. PISD has committed $100 million from its 2023 Performing Arts Center bond funds towards this endeavor. Additionally, private and philanthropic funding sources are being considered by the city of Frisco in order to avoid any increase in property taxes if voters approve of building this new arts hub.

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