“Expert Strategies for Retaining an Industrial Workforce: Hear from the Expert at NAIOP’s I.CON East!”

At NAIOP’s I.CON East conference, held June 7-8 at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City on the Hudson, attendees will have an opportunity to gain insight into industrial real estate and its critical issues of workforce recruitment and retention. A panel titled ‘Tackling the Tenant Workforce Issue’ will be featured as part of this event.

Anne Strauss-Wieder, a nationally respected senior executive and expert who currently serves as Director of Freight Planning at North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority noted that while site selection and construction costs are important considerations for developers or occupiers in industrial buildings, “the bottom line is if you can’t staff that building then it won’t be successful.”

Strauss-Wieder spoke recently about how transportation factors into worker training and retention in industrial facilities; she pointed out that each facility can vary widely by size, sophistication function as well as location – not to mention skill set requirements for workers commuting to job sites. For example “a typical distribution building has about 0.3 employees per thousand square feet on average” whereas a fulfillment center may require one employee per thousand square feet – with peak seasons such as back-to school potentially requiring three employees per thousand square feet (equivalent or more than a typical office building).

To address these questions public/private partnerships may offer solutions such LANTA (Lehigh & Northampton Transportation Authority) which operates in Northeastern Pennsylvania’s fastest growing markets: here employers are connected via governmental agencies with LANTA who contact property occupants regarding service needs; cost is then paid by employer directly to transit agency providing service required for their contract workers . Other models include van services provided by employment agencies deducting cost from wages paid or community organizations offering van services during peak season periods when occupiers provide Lyft/Uber rides etc.. All these options help ensure accessibilty so companies attract & retain skilled labor necessary for success!

Attendees interested in learning more should visit ICON East Conference website where they can register online!

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