“Experienced Ft. Lauderdale Developer to Construct Luxury High-Rise Condos and Hotel”

"Experienced Ft. Lauderdale Developer to Construct Luxury High-Rise Condos and Hotel"

A diverse mix of motels, shops, and bars in Fort Lauderdale is set to be replaced by a new development featuring 500 condos, 373 hotel rooms, retail/restaurant space spanning over 23,000 square feet and outdoor dining area covering approximately 10,000 square feet. This ambitious project named Las Olas Ocean will consist of two towers with a total of 29 stories each situated west of the beach near A1A. The hotel rooms will be located within two eight-story parking garages.

The height of the parking structure gradually decreases as it gets closer to the beach resembling a staircase until it reaches one story along the sidewalk nearest to the sand. The developers are anticipating approval from local planning authorities this week for their proposal.

Spanning across an area measuring at least 4.35 acres is this joint venture between property owners Aiton Yaari and Lior Avidor.

Facing towards the beach would be retail and restaurant spaces while an internal pedestrian path called paseo would connect visitors fromthe beach intothe project leading all through till they reach A1A.

Expert developers in Ft.Lauderdale have announced plans for a high-rise development that will transform existing motels,bars,and shops into luxurious living spaces.The impressive project,Las Olas Ocean,is set to feature500condosand373hotelroomsalongwithover23thousandsquarefeetofretailanddiningareas.Outdoorseatingwillcoveranareaofnearly10thousandsquarefeet.The proposed twin-towers,toweringat29storieseach,wouldbeconstructedwestofthebeach,nearpopularroadway,A1A.Allhotelroomswillbesituatedwithinaneight-storeyparkinggaragestructurewhichwillgraduallydecreaseinheightasthebuildingapproachesitsneighboringbeach.Alongthesidewalkclosesttothesandyshore,theheightwouldreduceuntilithitsjustonestory.The developersarehopingtoobtainapprovalfromthelocalplanningboardthisweekfortheirvision.


About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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