“ExchangeRight Successfully Completes $82M DST Offering Subscription”

"ExchangeRight Successfully Completes $82M DST Offering Subscription"

ExchangeRight, a company based in Pasadena, is a top provider of diversified real estate investments through DSTs and REITs. They have announced that their Net-Leased Portfolio 65 DST offering has been fully subscribed by investors. This $82.28 million offering includes 416,735 square feet of national tenants in industries that are essential for daily living.

The portfolio is designed to provide monthly distributions with an annualized rate of 5%, making it an attractive option for investors seeking stable passive income. It consists of 13 properties located across 10 states and features five tenants known for their resilience during economic downturns: FedEx, Tractor Supply, Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar.

To finance the offering with minimal risk to investors’ capital preservation goals, ExchangeRight secured non-recourse interest-only financing at a fixed rate of 5.82% over a term of five years with only a loan-to-value ratio (LTV)of40.23%.

Joshua Ungerecht,a managing partner at ExchangeRight,statedthat they are dedicatedto providing offerings that prioritize preserving clients’ capital while also generating steady passive income even during timesof economic volatility.He addedthat as moreinvestors shift from active to passive real estate investments,the company is proudto offera1031-compatible option designed specificallyfor protecting investor’s interests.

In summary,Pasadena-based ExchangeRight has successfully filled its$82 millionDSTofferingwith high-quality propertiesand reliabletenantsin order to meet the growing demandforpassive real estate investment optionswhile prioritizingcapital preservationand stableincome generationforinvestorsduring uncertaineconomic conditions.

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