ExchangeRight Ranks Third Largest DST Sponsor

ExchangeRight Ranks Third Largest DST Sponsor

ExchangeRight, a real estate investment company based in Pasadena, has been recognized as the third largest sponsor in the securitized 1031 exchange market. This achievement is credited to the trust placed in ExchangeRight by broker-dealers, RIAs and their clients across the country.

In 2023 alone, advisors and their clients invested over $360 million of equity into ExchangeRight’s DST offerings. This resulted in a growth of more than 20% year over year for the company’s market share. Additionally, ExchangeRight’s DST platform provided investors with annual distributions totaling $159 million and served over 7,900 investors through all its platforms.

According to managing partner Warren Thomas: “At ExchangeRight our goal is to protect investor capital while providing stable income and flexible exit options.” Since launching its first portfolio in 2012, this approach has allowed them to achieve success with support from industry partners. The team at Exchange Right continues to identify opportunities that will lead them towards further success on behalf of their trusted investors and industry partners who have shown faith in them throughout these years.

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