Equity Acquires Denver-Area Apartments for $91.3M

Equity Acquires Denver-Area Apartments for $91.3M

Equity Residential has recently acquired Aventine Littleton, a 227-unit community located in the Denver suburb of Highlands Ranch. The seller was Century Living, a division of Century Communities’ multifamily branch.

The property was purchased for $91.3 million and according to Yardi Matrix data, it was developed in phases between 2023 and 2024 with the help of a $48 million construction loan from PNC Bank in 2022.

Situated on over four acres of land, the community consists of five three- and four-story buildings. It offers one-, two-, and three-bedroom floorplans ranging from 755 to 1,364 square feet with private balconies or patios included in each unit. Residents can also enjoy various amenities such as a fitness center, swimming pool and hot tub, sunroom area, outdoor kitchen space for communal use as well as access to a clubhouse equipped with conference rooms and workspaces.

Located at 2503 Primo Road , this property is approximately fifteen miles away from downtown Denver while being about forty-two miles northeast from Denver International Airport .

CBRE’s Terrance Hunt , Shane Ozment , Chris Hart ,and Brad Schlafer represented Century Living during this transaction.

In summary:

Equity Residential recently acquired Aventine Littleton -a community consistingof227 units- locatedintheDenver suburbofHighlandsRanchfromCenturyLiving,a divisionofCenturyCommunities’multifamilybranch.Thepropertywaspurchasedfor$91 .3millionwiththedeveloperutilizingafundingoffortyeightmilliondollarsfromPNCBankin2022toconstructitbetweenphasesintheyears2023and24.Itoccupiesoverfouracresofsurfacearea,andiscomprisedoffivebuildingsrangingbetweenthree-andfour-stories.Thesizevariesdependingonthetypeoftwoorthreebedroomsapartments,withfloorplansrangingfrom755to1,364squarefeet.Eachunitcomeswithaprivatebalconyorpatio,andresidentscanenjoyamenitiessuchasafitnesscenter,poolandhot-tub,sunroom,outdoorcommunitykitchen,clubhouseforrecreationalactivities,andconference/workspaces.Thepropertyislocatedat2503PrimoRoad,fifteenmilesawayfromdowntownDenverandfortytwo miles northeast from Denver International Airport.CBRE’sTerranceHunt , Shane Ozment , Chris Hart and Brad Schlafer represented Century Living during the transaction.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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