Endangered Places: Century and Consumers Buildings Added to National Roster

Endangered Places: Century and Consumers Buildings Added to National Roster

The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s annual roster of “America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places” has included the Century and Consumers Buildings, a pair of downtown Chicago skyscrapers from early in the 20th century. The two towers are at risk of being demolished and have been recently spotlighted by Landmarks Illinois and Preservation Chicago.

According to the National Trust, General Services Administration (GSA) purchased them for potential federal office space in 2005 but determined they were no longer needed for that purpose. Both buildings are now severely deteriorated with GSA considering demolishing both historic buildings due to security concerns with adjacent Dirksen Federal Courthouse.

Before any action is taken, GSA has formally begun federally mandated reviews to weigh options for these structures with several organizations—including the National Trust, Landmarks Illinois , as well as other concerned parties—participating in this process.

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