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“DNC Announces Firms for United Center Event Construction”

"DNC Announces Firms for United Center Event Construction"

The firms selected to provide event construction and management for the upcoming 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago have been announced. McHugh-Powers UC, a joint venture between McHugh Construction and Powers & Sons Construction Co., will serve as the construction manager. Populous, a renowned event architect with experience working on previous conventions, Super Bowls, and Olympic games has also been chosen.

Hargrove + Show Strategy has been appointed as the event manager while Show Strategy will handle exposition services. This marks an important milestone as Show becomes the first Black-owned firm to lead such a project of this magnitude. All these firms have strong ties to Chicago and will collaborate with local companies through subcontracting arrangements.

In making their selections, both the Chicago Host Committee and DNC Committee took into consideration factors such as expertise, dependability, cost-effectiveness,and connections withinthe local community.Additionally,the committees considered union involvementand track record of promoting diversity by working with women- or minority-owned businesses.The convention is scheduled for August 19-22 at United Centerand McCormick Place.

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