“Discover the US States with the Highest Energy Costs: A Comprehensive Report”

"Discover the US States with the Highest Energy Costs: A Comprehensive Report"

A study by the U.S. Global Change Research Program reported that heat waves are occurring more frequently throughout major cities in the U.S., leading to higher energy usage and, coupled with inflation, higher overall energy costs. To pinpoint which states have the highest energy costs, WalletHub analysts compared total monthly bills for electricity, natural gas, motor fuel and home heating oil across all 50 states plus District of Columbia (DC). Wyoming topped their list at $845 a month while DC residents paid an average of $274 a month in comparison – 42nd in monthly electricity costs but 1st for motor-fuel and home heating-oil; 17th for natural gas but 51st for both electricity & motor fuel; 41st place when it comes to home heating oil cost. Hawaii ranked #1 in price yet was last when it came to consumption – 51st place on electric & first on natural gas whereas Alaska had highest consumption per consumer & Arizona had lowest one respectively according to analysis data generated by WalletHub experts who weighed into this issue as well pointing out that regulatory regime varies from state-to-state affecting power company prices along with mix of sources used across country such as imported expensive oil used primarily as primary source of energy supply within Hawaii’s borders adding up infrastructure expenses too due to moving/distributing energies among other policies regarding efficiency/environmental impact varying from one state another contributing towards differentiating rates among them all ultimately resulting into varied levels of expenditure incurred upon consumers nationwide depending upon where they reside exactly .

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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