Discover the Mystery: Uncovering the Rumored Tech Plant Hiding in a Small Town Manor

Rumors are swirling in Manor, Texas, a town of only 18,000 people. Reports indicate that the multi-billion dollar Chinese industrial laser business Hans Laser Corp has purchased 262 acres in the area. With a market capitalization on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange of about $4.6 billion and suppliers to Samsung, NXP and Infineon (all with an Austin presence), speculation is centered around Han’s building a large manufacturing facility to supply high tech manufacturers in Austin.

Public officials have confirmed that discussions have taken place regarding plans for industrial space as well as mixed-use space which could potentially create 1,000 jobs for local residents. Although no official announcement has been made yet by either party involved, it is expected soon given how much buzz this news has created within Manor’s community and beyond!

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