“Discover the Best People and Places on December 8, 2023”

"Discover the Best People and Places on December 8, 2023"

Cushman & Wakefield has announced the promotion of Jeremy Edmiston to Executive Director, U.S. Lead for Build-To-Rent/Single-Family Rent (BTR/SFR). In his new role, he will collaborate with the firm’s Capital Markets and Debt teams to provide comprehensive BTR/SFR solutions for clients. With a property management portfolio of 9,500 homes and a pipeline of over 2,500 homes under his team’s oversight in Dallas, Edmiston will utilize his expertise and strong relationships to guide clients through their BTR/SFR assets’ real estate lifecycle.

Global tax services provider Ryan has acquired Morrison & Head – a Texas-based property tax consulting firm with offices in Austin and Houston. Founded by Chet Morrison and Ray Head in 2001,Morrison & Head offers cost-effective compliance and consulting services tailored to each client’s unique needs.

The QUAD at 2681 Howell Street in Dallas is set to welcome Written by the Seasons as its newest additionto The QUAD’s premier “Restaurant Collection”. This eclectic restaurant opened its first location at Bishop Arts District earlier this year. Developed by Stream,the project includes an office building spanning345,425 square feet along with surrounding retail space measuring18 ,500 square feet.The anticipated opening date is March2024.

Northland Properties Corp.,a Canadian hospitality company,is launching Northland Living as its development affiliate focused on residential towersand mixed-use communitiesin Texas.It already owns or controls several propertiesand well-located sitesinDallas,Austin,and Cedar Park .

Shane Campbell from Alys Beach communityin Floridahas joined Cinnamon Shore full-timeas Vice Presidentof Constructionand Developmentforthe Port Aransas development.Immediate projects include developing neighborhood town centersat both Cinnamon Shore Northand South locations.

On December8th2023,Cushman&Wakefieldannounced thatJeremyEdmistonhas been promotedtoExecutiveDirector,U.S.LeadforBuild-To-Rent/Single-FamilyRent(BTR/SFR).In this new role,he will collaborate with the firm’sCapitalMarketsandDebtteamstoprovideunifiedBTR/SFREnd-to-Endsolutionsforclients.BasedinDallas,Edmiston and histeamoverseeapropertymanagementportfolioof9,500homesandalargepipelineof2,500homes.As thenewlyappointedU.S.lead ,Edmistonwillutilizehisdeepexpertise,strongrelationships,andtheCushman&Wakefieldbrandto guide clients through their BTR/SFR assets’ real estate lifecycle.

Leading global tax services and software provider,Ryanhas acquired Morrison & Head,a propertytaxconsultingfirmwithofficesinAustinandHouston.Co-founded in 2001 by ChetMorrisonandRayHead,Morrison&Headprovidescomprehensiveandcost-effectivepropertytaxcompliance and consulting servicesthatmeettheunique needsoftheirclients.

The QUAD at2681HowellStreetin Dallas is set to welcomeWrittenbytheSeasonsas its newest additionto TheQUAD’spremier“RestaurantCollection”.Thiseclecticrestaurantopeneditsfirstlocationat BishopArtsDistrictearlierthisyear.DevelopedbyStream,the projectincludesanofficebuildingspanning345,425squarefeetalongwithsurroundingretailspace measuring18 ,500 square feet.TheanticipatedopeningdateisMarch2024.

NorthlandPropertiesCorp.,aCanadianhospitalitycompany,islaunching NorthlandLivingasitsdevelopmentaffiliatefocusedonresidentialtowersandmixed-usecommunities inTexas.Italreadyownsorcontrolsseveralpropertiesandinwell-locatedsitesinDallas,Austin,andCedarPark .

ShaneCampbellfromAlysBeachcommunity inFlorida hasjoined Cinnamon Shorefull-time asVicePresident ofConstruction andDevelopment for thePortAransasdevelopment.Immediateprojectsinclude developingneighborhoodtowncentersatbothCinnamonShoreNorthandSouthlocations.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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