“Dec ’23 Manhattan Rental Price Averages at $4,617”

"Dec '23 Manhattan Rental Price Averages at $4,617"

According to MNS’ NYC rental reports, the average rental price in Manhattan decreased by 1.56% to $4,617 in December of 2023. Gramercy experienced the largest month-over-month increase (9.6%) for doorman studios, while non-doorman studios in FiDi saw the biggest decrease (8.3%). Year-over-year comparisons show a decline of 5.33% for non-doorman studios and an increase of 1.03% for doorman studios, as well as a drop of 5.67% for non-doorman one-bedroom units and an uptick of 3/04% for doorman one-bedroom units.

In Brooklyn, the average rental price rose slightly by .04%, reaching $3,587 overall.Brooklyn Heights saw a significant month-over-month increase (9.l%), while Boerum Hill’s two-bedroom units experienced a large decrease (11 .3%). Comparing year-over-year data shows that studio apartments increased by6 .57%, one-bedrooms went upby329%,andtwo-bedroomsdecreasedbyl44%.

Queens also saw an overall rise in its average rental prices witha0 .65 %increase bringing itto$2 ,780.Regopark’sonebedroomunits hadthebiggestmonthovermonthincrease(8.S%),whileElmhurstexperiencedthelargestdecrease(8.Z%).Yearoveryearcomparisonsrevealanuptickof633%fors tudioapartments,a5.lZ%d ecreaseforonebedroomunits,andanincreaseof348%f ortwobedroomapartments.

The article “Manhattan Rental Price Averages $4 ,617inDec’23” was originally published on Connect CRE.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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