“Corporate Support for Sustainability: A Study with No Concrete Plans”

"Corporate Support for Sustainability: A Study with No Concrete Plans"

A recent study conducted by Veolia North America revealed that many U.S. companies, including those in the commercial real estate industry, are increasing their efforts towards sustainability. These firms are taking steps to reduce carbon emissions, minimize waste and conserve water resources. However, the study also found that a significant number of these companies have not yet identified specific strategies to achieve their medium- and long-term goals.

The research collected data from 245 companies across various sectors such as CRE, technology, manufacturing, healthcare and data centers. The results showed that 40% of these organizations consider reducing operational costs as a major driver for pursuing sustainability objectives. Additionally:

60% of the surveyed firms have implemented initiatives and projects aimed at achieving short-term sustainability goals; while 37% do not have any plans in place
Most companies cited reporting requirements,
regulatory mandates,
and brand reputation as key motivators for committing to sustainable practices
Many respondents are leveraging incentives offered through programs like the U.S Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 to prioritize their sustainability initiatives

However,the main challenge faced by these businesses is limited resources and funding needed to implement effective measures towards achieving their targets.Moreover,a lackof easily accessible data makes it difficult for themto track progress or identify areas where they need improvement.

Accordingto Patrick Schultz,presidentand CEOofVeolia’s Sustainable Industriesand Buildings division,”Before investing in sustainable practices,it is crucialforcompanies tounderstandtheir current environmental impact.This includes gatheringdata on energy consumption,waste generation,and water usage.This information will helpthem make informed decisions about implementing immediate solutionsas wellas developinglong-term strategies.”

Other notable findings fromthe report include:

Companies with greenhouse gas emission reduction targets rank waste minimization astheir second priority,followedbywater conservation.
Firms expressa needfor betterwastedata beforethey can effectivelyaddress this issue.
Althoughwaterreductiongoalsarenotcommon,some regionsin the U.S.are facing water scarcity,which is prompting more companies to prioritize this aspect.
Accordingto Veolia North America’s President and CEO Fred Van Heems,”Many companies are genuinely committed to achieving sustainability goals;however,they need guidance on howto get started.This is where we can help by providing solutions that will not only set them on the right pathbut also sustain their momentum.”

In conclusion,the study highlights a growing trend of corporate support for sustainable practices.However,to effectively implement these initiatives,companies need access to accurate data and resources.Fortunately,solutions are availablethatcan assist businesses in achieving their sustainability objectives.

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