Construction to Begin on Proposed Buckeye Power Center

Construction to Begin on Proposed Buckeye Power Center

Construction on the highly anticipated Verrado Marketplace in Buckeye is set to begin next week, with Vestar leading the project. The expansive shopping center will span over 520,000 square feet and feature a Harkins BackLot theater, Target, Safeway and more. With an estimated investment of $300 million from Vestar for tenant improvements, shoppers can expect a diverse mix of shops, dining options and services.

In addition to these well-known retailers already announced for the Verrado Marketplace such as Marshalls,Ross and HomeGoods,Vestar has plans to reveal 15 additional national and local retailers that will be part of this retail hub located at the intersection of Interstate 10andVerrado Way.

According to reports from Phoenix Business Journal,the cityofBuckeyeis also working on designating2 ,100 acres just southoftheVerradoMarketplaceintoamixed-usecenterwithavarietyofusesincludingretail,
entertainment,housing,andeducation.Another600 ,000squarefeet
ofotheretaildevelopmentsarealsotakingshapeinthesamearea,suchasthe411 ,000-square-footBuckeyeCommonsandthe100 ,000-square-footRooseveltCommons.

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