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“Construction Milestone Achieved for Affordable Watsonville”

"Construction Milestone Achieved for Affordable Watsonville"

Partners from the city, county, and state have come together to celebrate a significant milestone in the construction of Sparrow Terrace. This will be MidPen Housing’s 14th affordable rental community in Santa Cruz County. Located at 141 Miles Ln. in Watsonville, Sparrow Terrace will provide 72 affordable apartments.

Out of these units, thirty-five are specifically designated for farmworker families and six are reserved for individuals who have experienced homelessness. Additionally, forty-three Project-Based Vouchers from the Housing Authority of Santa Cruz will enable even lower-income residents to benefit from this development.

According to Matthew O. Franklin, president and CEO of MidPen Housing: “Sparrow Terrace is a testament to the power of collaboration.” He also added that Encompass Community Services played an integral role by initiating a partnership that addresses both the need for affordable housing as well as expanded behavioral health services.

Thanks to support from both local authorities and funding assistance provided by state programs like density bonuses and grants specifically targeting farmworker families and homeless individuals – this project has been made possible without any mentionable contributions or involvement on behalf Connect CRE or its affiliates.

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