Colliers Finalizes Multi-Year Sale of West Hartford Parcel – SEO Friendly

Colliers Finalizes Multi-Year Sale of West Hartford Parcel - SEO Friendly

Colliers has successfully completed the sale of 1700 Asylum Ave. in West Hartford, CT. The seller, Domenic Carpionato of West Hartford 1, LLC was represented by John Cafasso from the Hartford office as the sole broker involved in this transaction. The sale amounted to $22,237,000 and marks a significant milestone after years of effort.

The property was previously part of University of Connecticut’s former West Hartford campus and currently comprises a parking lot and playing fields for local Little League and Miracle League teams. These ballfields will remain untouched while the remaining 14.86 acres will be developed into market-rate and workforce-rate housing consisting of 322 units.

According to Cafasso: “The community has been eagerly awaiting for this iconic property to be revitalized in a way that complements its size, scale,and natural surroundings.” He further added that this project will not only provide new residences for West Hartford but also connect them with existing neighborhoods as well as Trout Brook Trail and ballfields.

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